Avengers: Endgame

April 26, 2019 is almost upon all of us Marvel fans. Endgame has to be the most anticipated movie of the year. What I want to know is how everybody’s theory is going to be wrong. What rabbit will Marvel pull out the hat with this movie. There has been some crazy theories out there from; the Avengers going back in time to stop themselves from assembling to Ant-Man crawling up Thanos’ butt and exploding from the inside of his body.

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What crazy theories do y’all have about the movie ? Personally I want the Hulk to redeem himself and do what he was supposed to do in Infinity War. But I really expect Thor, Captain Marvel, and the Hulk to jump Thanos and take his gauntlet. But there’s this feeling that I got about Ant-Man being the most important part in this upcoming movie. From the Endgame trailer we know that Ant-Man made it out of the Quantum Realm but how? There has to be major significance in that.

Biggest question that I have now is, who is going to do something stupid this time ? Last time it was Quill. If an Avenger is going to mess up who do you think it will be. If anybody is going to mess up this time, it has to be Captain Marvel. She seemed too cocky to me in the trailer. But that’s my opinion, what’s yours?

Annabelle Comes Home

The devil’s doll is back. I’m in high anticipation of this movie simply because I am ready to see the doll go. And the Annabelle movies are fairly decent. The first movie in the series was alright in my opinion. It wasn’t bad but at the same time it wasn’t all that good and it didn’t scare me. But the second movie in the series had me playing peek-a-boo with the television. The second movie Annabelle Creation was a good movie to me. That movie had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. So going off of the previous two movies, my expectations are pretty high up there for this one. Another reason that I believe this movie is going to do good is because it involves two great actors. Vera Farmiga and Patrick Wilson. They played their roles in the Conjuring movies perfect. And I like when movies cross/tie into each other. I love the whole idea behind the Conjuring universe. This is a must-see movie for me.

Throwback Thursday

Ip Man ! I don’t care what anybody says, Ip man would beat any movie character hands down. If you love to movies with martial arts in it or just movies with good fight scenes in it period, then I highly recommend Ip Man. The movie is about a wealthy martial artist that was forced out of his home and was forced to work to support his family during the invasion of the Japanese invasion. The actor that is playing as Ip Man is Donnie Yen. While working to support his family he started to teach the other workers how to defend themselves with martial arts. The leader of the Japanese unit that invaded was also a martial artist and allowed people to fight against Japanese martial artist for more rice. Well during one of these matches Ip man’s friend was shot and killed after he had lost and Ip man couldn’t take it. That sparked the fire in him to fight and teach others to defend themselves and get out of the slavery that they were in. This movie is great to watch. Like I said earlier, this movie has some really dope fighting scenes. I’m a big fan of hand-to-hand combat so this movie was perfect for me. Also, there are multiple Ip man movies so after you watch the first one just go ahead and watch the next one and then the next one after that. It’s an entertaining movie series.

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Dora The Explorer

With all the new movies coming out, I guess somebody decided to sneak in a live-action movie for Dora. Whoever’s idea this was, it seems like a good one. I personally didn’t expect the trailer to be as good as it is and I didn’t expect the film to look the way it looks. When watching the trailer I felt that Jumanji vibe. The trailer showed Dora moving out of the jungle and trying to fit into modern civilization and high school. She’s staying with her cousin Diego while her parents are exploring a lost city and Dora is forced to save them while trying to solve a mystery behind an ancient civilization. I definitely feel that this movie will do good not with just kids but also some of the older crowds. That’s being based off of the feel of the trailer. The trailer didn’t come off as some kids movie. But it came off as an enjoyable family movie. I expect this movie to have a nice crowd.

Throwback Thursday

If you haven’t seen this movie I have one question, what are you doing with your life. The movie Grease is one of the most well-known films in film history. This film came out June 16, 1978. This movie has been named the most successful movie musical of all time. Some of the notable cast members of this movie were; John Travolta, Olivia Newton-John, Stockard Channing, Jeff Conaway, Barry Pearl, and Michael Tucci. This film is about two teenagers who met over the summer and Danny(John Travolta) falls for Sandy(Olivia Newton-John). As the summer ends they both believe that they are never going to see each other again until the first day of school. They both are attending the same high school and the film follows them and their friends on their journey. It’s a good musical that’s enjoyable for everybody. If you haven’t seen this movie I suggest that you watch it. There is also sequel to this movie that is pretty good also. Make sure to check them out.

Good Boys !?

So about a week ago this trailer for a movie called Good Boys came out. This trailer completely caught me by surprise. If you are a person that enjoyed the movie “Sausage Party” this movie is right up your alley. This comedy will probably cause mixed feelings because this movie involves kids doing and saying some things that most adults probably don’t want their kids to be involved with.

12-year-old Max is invited to his first kissing party and asks his best friends Lucas and Thor for some much-needed help on how to pucker up. When they hit a dead end, Max decides to use his father’s drone to spy on the teenage girls next door. When the boys lose the drone, they skip school and hatch a plan to retrieve it before Max’s dad can figure out what happened.

I expect this movie to do good. I feel that this movie is going to be one of the best movies of 2019. This movie releases August 16, 2019. I recommend that you should watch this movie.

What’s your favorite movie?

Earlier today I asked a few guys what was their favorite movie and why. The first person that I asked was William Bethel. He told me that his favorite movie would have to be Get Out. He said that this movie was his favorite because of the message that was portrayed in it. Bethel told me that he liked how the film showed racism and segregation from a modern standpoint that was enjoyable for all crowds of people. Also, how the film showed that things aren’t always as they seem.

After talking with William, I decided to ask Demetrius Amerson the same questions. His favorite was 8 Mile. He said that this film was favorite because Eminem has always been his favorite rapper and because the film showed Eminem overcoming his tough situations. Amerson said that he liked how the film was actually about Eminem’s real life. He enjoyed that the rapper shared his story of pain and the process that he went through to get over his obstacles in life.

What’s your favorite film and why?

Recommendation: Replicas

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Replicas is a movie about a scientist who is working in the field of mind transferring. This film includes the well-known actor Keanu Reeves. Keanu Reeves plays the role of the scientist who is leading the experiment on human mind transfer. He and his family move to a city in Puerto Rico where the film takes place. In this film Keanu has to put his mind and his morals to the test get back what was lost. He has to make decisions that makes him break out in tears and leaves a nasty taste in his mouth. This movie walks a thin line between what’s right and what’s wrong. As the story goes on the situation just gets messier and messier. Whenever he thinks he has things under control something else pops up that he didn’t account for. I recommend that people should watch this movie. This movie challenged my mind in the sense that it made me question what I would do if I faced those situations. It made me ask the question, is he going to far? The film will have you asking yourself, are some actions okay because of the intention behind them? The film has some alright action in it. But the main focus is on the story line of the movie. This movie was released January 11, 2019. If you haven’t seen this movie I recommend that it’s worth a watch.

Jordan Peele is back at it

Jordan Peele has appeared back on the movie scene with a new film called “US“. The film is about a family that seems to be on vacation when they are suddenly tormented by visitors. Sounds like your typical horror/thriller movie. The only catch is, the visitors are them. “US” is a psychological thriller just like Jordan Peele’s debut movie “Get Out”. Some of the cast includes Lupita Nyong’o, Winston Duke, Elisabeth Moss, Tim Heidecker, Yahya Abdul Mateen, and Anna Diop. From the trailer, the movie is going to be showing a family being terrorized by themselves. Obviously, there has to be some reason as to why this family is being terrorized by intruders who look exactly like them. The questions that I have are, how is the reason going to be explained, will it make sense, and is there going to be any crazy plot twists in this new film? Personally, I feel like the film is going to be good. Going off of what Jordan Peele displayed in his debut film “Get Out“, I’m expecting there to be some comedy, plot twists, and pretty good climatic scenes. I have high hopes or high expectations for the film. Also, I appreciate films that play with your mind; films that have you trying to guess what’s going to happen next and this film feels like one of those films to me. I’m eager to watch this new film and the film will be released on March 22. Be sure to go watch and enjoy yourselves.